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Over the counter alternative to hydrochlorothiazide, a potentially serious, but well-tolerated, skin conditioner. The drug's manufacturer, Canadian affiliate of American drugmaker Johnson & (JNJ), has said the ingredient could help boost sales of its own products. It is the latest attempt by a U.S. medical-device giant to exploit patent protection for popular topical treatments to win lucrative payouts from manufacturers of drugs in countries such as Italy and the United Kingdom. Johnson & has also fought off competition from generic drugmakers. Under EU rules, which do not apply to medicines, any company that makes a new use of an existing invention must pay royalties for any subsequent sales. But Johnson & and Pfizer don't need approval from EU or national regulators to use their patents on hydroxychlorothiazide in the U.S. Patent holders are free to use their rights for drugs own commercial benefit "as long as a decision hasn't been taken by the European Commission for same to happen in the United States," a company spokesman said. "The European Commission did not ask us to bring hydroxychlorothiazide Europe," the spokesman said. European firms are already making sales of some drugs using their pharmaceutical patents abroad. The patent on hydrocortisone, sold by the French firm Sanofi-Aventis (SASY) by way Tablette finasterid 1mg of Novartis last year, was extended to cover similar drugs by Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg $84.27 - $0.47 Per pill Bayer Healthcare AG and Novartis over the past decade. Some companies that made an initial bid for Hydroxychlorothiazide before it was rejected will be interested in obtaining the ingredient for their own use from a Finasteride over the counter usa new company, Johnson & said. In addition, will consider selling its stake in the company by end of this year, based on current revenues. The ingredient, used in treatment of skin rashes, hives, and boils, is made by combining hydrochlorothiazide with certain polymers. The compound is used in many other products including over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medicines, and over-the-counter cold remedies. Johnson & said the company has made significant progress since applying to extend its patent, and has received a positive opinion from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But the industry's concerns remain that drugmakers will be less willing to invest in research and development if buy hydrochlorothiazide online the patent is extended. Pfizer's patent on hydrocortisone is due to expire in 2020, and the company is reviewing its future use hydrochlorothiazide purchase online of hydroxychlorothiazide, as are some other manufacturers, according to a senior product marketing representative for Bayer. The patent on hydroxychlorothiazide has been extended twice since it was first filed in the 1990s. time - for eight years came in 2002 after Pfizer and the FDA issued a "safe use" ruling (SUR) on it, according to USPTO documents. It was extended again - by two years in 2009. The agency granted new extension in October consultation with Pfizer and its subsidiary, Wyeth. Pfizer declined to comment. "They will have the right to sell their product in the U.S. but with some restrictions if they want to license it overseas. If you extend your patent, it is a very long term with lot of exclusivity attached," U.S.PTO patent lawyer Kevin Vosshoff, who specializes in intellectual property law, told Reuters. The U.S.PTO granted Johnson & a patent in 1997 over its use of hydroxychlorothiazide, said a spokesman in New Jersey, where the company has its headquarters. "Our patent is very long-term and"

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